Friday, June 3, 2011

With mixed emotions, I write this. Daddy’s doctors have ceased his Interferon (chemo) treatments after lab work showed his white blood cell counts being dangerously low. We all were in high hopes that this round of treatment would eradicate this ugly disease, but unfortunately that isn’t the case. However, I will say, when dad started his treatment his viral count was 7 million and as of last week it was 300,000. A blessing, yes; a battle won, no. So we continue to fight.

At this moment, we begin a new game. As of this week, daddy is officially on the liver transplant list. He wasn’t able to be on the list while he pursued treatment. Now we wait and pray without ceasing. We all know what a liver transplant entails; life and death. I ask you to pray for the donor. A precious life we will never know; a precious spirit that made the decision to save a life. Pray for the donors family as well, as they will mourn a great loss when this day comes. I also ask you to pray for daddy. Pray his body will push forward through this waiting process. Pray his body will be prepared to receive this liver when we get that call from the hospital we so desperately want.

You all have shown our family great mercy during these tough years and we are forever grateful. All the donations, cards, calls, emails, and so on are what keep us going; what keep us focused. Please know we love you all and are completely blown away by your love.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Prayers Needed

When fighting a chronic illness there always seems to be a lot of questions and very few answers. Daddy's situation is no different. Few paths to take and many more "if's" to go along with the decisions. No path seems correct, no path has the "right" answer. We find ourselves having to make those tough decisions once again. After a recent evaluation, daddy's Hepatitis is acting up again and the condition of his liver is getting worse. With that being said, the doctors feel it would be best to start Interferon (a type of chemotherapy) treatments again and try and eradicate the virus. He's tried these treatments before and they were unsuccessful, however the doctor feels this is the best route to take at this time. We are hopeful that this round will be successful.

Daddy will begin next Friday, March 11, taking daily injections of Interferon. No treatment goes without its side effects. Interferon is a very harsh drug and the side effects are brutal. The best way to describe it is having the flu every day. Not only will daddy feel sick every day, Interferon is insensitive to the liver. It is probable that daddy's liver will severely worsen to the point he will need to be moved higher up on the transplant list.

If things go like the doctor is proposing, we will kill the virus and get dad a new liver within the next 2 years---a lot sooner than we were anticipating. After talking with daddy last night, he's in great spirits. He's ready to battle this disease and fight it head on. He said he's absolutely warn out and cannot wait to get a new liver. His attitude is remarkable and how he keeps moving forward with such a positive outlook amazes me every day.

Please be in prayer as he starts this new treatment. Please pray specifically for the side effects to be minimal and that the drugs kills every Hepatitis cell in his body. Also, please pray for the liver that daddy will need. We feel all the prayers you all have said and we know that God is listening!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Benefit for Shaefer

Princeton United Methodist Church is hosting a Pancake Supper on February 19 from 5:00-6:30pm to help raise funds for Shaefer Heard's liver transplant fund. The supper will be held at Princeton United Methodist Church.

All are welcome to attend.

Please click here for directions.